Poopy McFartybutt

I will tell you the story of Poopy McFartybutt
Poopy's original name was Joey McJoeyjoe
Butt then he had to go to the bathroom
He sat down and began to poop
He thought it wouldn't take long
Butt it kept coming
And coming
And coming some more
He spent the entire night pooping
With farts mixed in
The next morning he was still pooping
He had to go to work
With a long trail of poop behind him, he drove to work
People looked at him
Calling him nicknames
One man called him "Poopy McFartybutt"
He liked it and it stuck
And that's how he got his name "Poopy McFartybutt"
The scary part?
He lost his dick in the process
And he uses his poop to do people
Even me
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